The Postgraduate Program of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang is committed to always improving the quality of educational services. This commitment is shown by the implementation of one of its academic development activities, namely: “Preparing Revision of Academic Guideline”. This activity was carried out at Beston Hotel Palembang, on the 15th to 16th October , 2021.
To make this activity a success, the entire postgraduate academic community of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang was actively involved, starting from the Director, Deputy Director, Chair and Secretary of Study Programs in the Postgraduate environment of UIN Raden Fatah, all staffs, home base lecturers, representatives of S2 and S3 students (as service users), representatives from BAAK UIN staff Raden Fatah, representatives from PUSTIPD UIN Raden Fatah, and several delegated lecturers from other universities, such as from UNSRI, UMP, PGRI, and STIPADA.
Presenting at this activity the Vice Rector I (Dr. Muhammad Adil, MA) represented the Rector of UIN Raden Fatah who officially opened the event and at the same time delivered briefing and coaching materials. In his speech Dr. Muhammad Adil, MA said that: “The revision of the academic guidelines can be regarded as an important revision as an effort to realize the grand vision of UIN Raden Fatah with international standards, national insight and Islamic character in 2040. Furthermore, Dr Adil elaborated in his speech, “in revising this academic guideline, it must conform to the academic guidelines that have been prepared by UIN Raden Fatah”. He continued, “It also encourages that with the changes in academic guideline, students can be facilitated so that they can accelerate their study period. In completing the student study period, it is expected that lecturers, especially supervisors, can accompany the students very well,” Meanwhile, the Postgraduate Director of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang, Prof. Dr. H. Duski Ibrahim, M.Ag., said “This academic guideline must adapt to changes in academic paradigms and developments in science and technology. For this reason, the revision of this academic guideline will have to adjust to the need to realize UIN Raden Fatah with international standards, national insight, and Islamic character in 2040″.
Finally, the activity of preparing revisions of academic guidelines for 2 (two) days after going through commission meetings and plenary meetings, succeeded in completing the Postgraduate Academic Manual of UIN Raden Fatah by containing 10 (ten) chapters, namely: first chapter, introduction, second chapter, acceptance New Students, third chapter, Student Administration Management, fourth chapter, Curriculum, fifth chapter, Learning Process, sixth chapter, Academic Atmosphere and Quality Assurance, seventh chapter, Learning Assessment, eighth chapter, Study Final Work, ninth chapter of Graduation and Graduation, and the tenth chapter Concluding.